Hey fam! What a crazy week! So first things first we got transfer docs yesterday and I'm leaving Fairfield! I definitely have mixed emotions because I'm really excited to see more of Northern CA and meet new people, but at the same time I'm sad to leave these people I have come to love so much! Let's just say I'm grateful for Facebook and a way to stay in contact with some of these people 
I will be going up to Ukiah tomorrow, so that will be exciting! My new companion is Elder Boeher! We will do great together!
We didn't do too much this last week, but we did do some more service. So we helped at the food bank and also helped at the rush ranch again. The horse stable we are helping build is starting to look pretty nice too! Sorry I don't have pictures haha. What sucked about this last week, is every single lesson we had fell through. The Owens weren't able to visit, Richard couldn't meet, Leila never got back to us, and Tony and Nhoua cancelled! So it was a very slow week other than the service. But they all went to church except for the Owens so that was good.
Something really cool happened with Sister Owens when we were saying bye to each other yesterday. It was super sad but she told me how much I helped them and their family. She told me that if I was feeling useless or anything like that, I've definitely helped them and I'll continue to help others. It was super special because I was starting to feel.... exactly that... a little useless... it was so cool to hear that from them. I'm so happy to be out here helping and serving others. There is a quote by Elder Eyring that says sometimes you will be an angel for others and other times others will be angels for you. It is amazing to experience that for myself. Keep serving and loving others. Be the angels for other people. I hope everyone has an amazing week! I'll let you know my new address next week! Love you guys!!!
Love Elder Larson
Hmong youth
Brother Newsome
President Vue (Hmong Branch President)
The Judds
Be the angel