Monday, February 4, 2019

Crazy crazy crazy.

Hey! This last week was crazy, not because of what we did but because of everything that is happening with the people we are teaching haha. We met this guy on Tuesday named Tyler, super cool and super sincere. We were tracting... and he let's us in and we have like a hour and a half discussion about a lot of different things (He asked a lot of questions). But he wants to meet in like 2 weeks because he wants to read the Book of Mormon haha! So that should go well... because he's pretty sincere.  

Brian uhhh yeah we won't be able to meet with him for awhile... But he's definitely doing good as far as having God in his life. I cant remember if I said last week, but he calls us his "3 guardian angels" 😂😂 super cool. But yeah hopefully he contacts the missionaries when he can meet :)). Angelina got fired from her job and she's like.... super happy about it 🤷🏾‍♂️ so she should be at church next Sunday! We have a lesson on Tuesday with her AT a members house 👍🏾👍🏾 things just are going well. 

As far as the rest of the people.... lots of people flaked lol. Nobody was home... like we visited so many people and no one answered. It seems to be that way... no one is home or happy when it's damp... cloudy... rainy. 

I can't believe I only have like 9 months left... I feel like my mission has FLOWN by. I love it so much. Everything I've learned and the person I'm becoming. Have an amazing week!

Love Elder Larson 

 That moment when Elder Jones can't park.

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